Company: The Brown Shoe Company
Job Title: Intern
Job Location: Clayton, MO (St. Louis)
Start Date: May 24, 2010
Dress Code: Business Casual
...Business casual. This paradox tends to throw people for a loop. Finding the right balance between the "business" and the "casual" can be a daunting task. With a whole summer ahead of me to dress "business casual," I've been trying to search for numerous ensembles to have on hand. I find myself wondering if something is too casual, cutesy, or trendy for work. Do I look like I'm going to work, to lunch with a friend, or to a club? So while I've been at home, I figured I'd take advantage of the opportunity to ask my resident experts: Mom and Dad.
"Dad, what would you recommend wearing for a business casual dress code?"
"Mom, what would you recommend wearing in a business casual environment?"
So I've got a couple options, and although the plaid and khaki combination has potential to be next season's "must-have celebrity look," I think I'll listen to Mom on this one.